EuroXR 2021 Conference: 2nd Call for Contributions
/in Conferences, EuroXR News, News/by MónicaEuroXR Association would like to cordially invite you to contribute to the 18th EuroXR International Conference – EuroXR 2021 – that the CNR-STIIMA institute will organize the 24-26 November 2021 in Milano, Italy.
After a number of requests, the Scientific Program chairs are pleased to inform you that deadlines for Scientific Contributions at EuroXR 2021 have been extended as follow:
- All Scientific submissions (Full papers & Short papers):
July 26, 2021, 23:59 CEST - Notifications to the authors for all Scientific submissions:
September 6, 2021, 23:59 CEST - Camera ready for all Scientific contributions:
September 13, 2021
New Project for LabLENI
/in EuroXR News, News/by MónicaLabLENI-Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is developing, together with Lopesan and The Wise Dreams, the first intelligent solution that generates a volume of data from the permanent evaluation of the tourists during their stay.
New Project for Haption
/in EuroXR News, News/by MónicaEuroXR Association is glad to announce the new achievement of one of our members, Haption is now a partner in the PI5G project. Selected by the French government as part of the economic and industrial recovery plan.
Open position: Unity 3D Programmer
/in EuroXR News, News, Positions Offered/by MónicaOpen position: Artificial Vision Engineer
/in EuroXR News, News, Positions Offered/by MónicaMeeting the Network: Roy Damgrave
/in EuroXR News, Meeting the Network, News/by MónicaMeeting the Network, the series that takes you to meet the members of the association, today presents you Roy Damgrave.
Since 2008, Roy works as an assistant professor at the Laboratory of Design, Production, and Management, part of the Engineering Technology faculty of the University of Twente. He received his Ph.D. in 2017 on the subject ‘Enhancing the effectiveness of design tools in synthetic environments”.
EuroXR 2021 Conference: 1st Call for Contributions
/1 Comment/in Conferences, EuroXR News, News/by MónicaWe are pleased to announce the 18th EuroXR International Conference – EuroXR 2021 – 24-26 November 2021 in Milano, Italy. This conference follows a series of successful European VR/AR conferences taking place since 2004. The CNR-STIIMA institute is organizing the 2021 edition of this conference.
New publication on Springer
/in EuroXR News, News/by MónicaWe are pleased to share with our community the recently published Springer paper from a new Ph.D. graduate co-supervised by Matthieu Poyade, entitled “Effect of marker position and size on the registration accuracy of HoloLens in a non-clinical setting with implications for high-precision surgical tasks”
Meeting the Network: Tarcan Kiper
/in EuroXR News, Meeting the Network, News/by MónicaMeeting the Network, the series that takes you to meet the members of the association, today presents you Tarcan Kiper.
Tarcan Kiper is the co-founder and CEO of Dors Venabili Cyberspace Technologies Inc., a high-tech firm specialized in Digital Health and VR Therapeutics solutions with its VR/AR-based cognitive and physical assessment and training platform. As an entrepreneur, he has more than 30 years of experience in 3D simulation and VR applications in the defense, aerospace, transportation, and energy industries. Read more
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