Submission Guidelines for Application and Demo & Exhibition Tracks

For all categories of the Application track and for Demo & Exhibition track, submissions are managed by EasyChair.
Information will be available soon in the detailed submission guidelines of these tracks.
Abstract Formatting
The abstracts are to be submitted in the English language as a PDF file using the Microsoft Word template available here. The number of pages is indicative.
Abstract Submission
Only abstracts submitted before September 13, 2021 via our EasyChair portal will be considered for reviewing and publication in the conference USB keys.
Important dates for the Application and Demo & Exhibition tracks
- Short abstract submissions for all related categories: September 27, 2021
- Notifications to the authors: October 4, 2021
- Camera ready of accepted abstracts: October 11, 2021
For further information, feel free to contact the Application Program Chairs or Demo & Exhibition Chairs of EuroXR 2021, depending on the category of contribution.