Types of Contributions

Types of Contributions and Deadlines

Types of Contributions


Scientific track submissions can be:


  • Full papers – either Long   (14-20 pages) or Medium (8-12 pages) sizing – to be presented respectively as long or short talks during the scientific talk sessions: such submissions target original, unpublished works documenting new research, practices, and experience, novel applications in VR or AV/AR/MR, or sound States of the Arts on challenging research questions in that field. 
  • Shortpapers (4-6 pages) to be presented during the scientific poster sessions: such submissions target works in progress or other scientific contributions including ideas for unimplemented and/or unusual VR or AV/AR/MR systems.

All scientific paper submissions must be in one-column Springer format and indicated paper lengths do not include references.

The Scientific Program chairs will be in charge to select the accepted contributions of the both above categories, thanks to a double blind peer reviewing process among an International Program Committee (IPC). All accepted scientific papers will be published with the sizing (Long/Medium or Short) corresponding to their categories in the Scientific proceedings of EuroXR 2022, edited by Springer as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. For your convenience, indexing information of LNCS series is available on this Springer webpage.

Application track contributions can be:

  • Application talk (2-4 pages abstract): best practices, practical use cases of VR or AV/AR/MR, project results of applications using such technologies in industry and other sectors, actual or potential transfers of academic results, and position papers. 
  • Application poster (2-4 pages abstract): recently completed VR or AV/AR/MR applied work, application in progress, or unusual applications.

For this track, the Application Program chairs will manage the full review/acceptation process of two types of contributions (Application talk vs. Application poster).

Demo & Exhibition track (2-4 pages abstract): live demonstrations of past and on-going projects. Technology developers and suppliers, exhibitors, digital artists, and members of the commercial VR or AV/AR/MR communities are all invited to exhibit and demonstrate the latest technologies and applications.

For this track, the Demo & Exhibition chairs will manage the full review/acceptation process of this type of contributions.


All accepted abstracts for Application track and Demo & Exhibition track will be published in the Application & Demo proceedings of EuroXR 2022 as an ISBN-registered volume edited by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. 

Moreover, we highly encourage all authors submitting any kind of contribution to categories Full Papers, Short Papers, Application talk or Application poster, to also submit a live demonstration and so a related abstract to this Demo & Exhibition track.  



For the Scientific track, contributions deadlines are:


  • All Scientific submissions (Full papers & Short papers): April 25, 2022 –> May 9, 2022, 23:59 CEST
  • Notifications to the authors for all Scientific submissions: June 13, 2022 –> June 20, 2022, 23:59 CEST 
  • Camera ready for all Scientific contributions: July 4, 2022, 23:59 CEST (no change)  

For the Application track and the Demo & Exhibition track, contributions deadlines are: 

  • Short abstract submissions for all related categories: July 4, 2022 –> July 8, 2022
  • Notification to authors for all related categories: July 25, 2022 
  • Camera ready for all related categories: August 1, 2022  

Conference days: September 14-16, 2022

Journal Invitation and Awards


In addition, a set of the best accepted contributions will be selected by a special committee structured according to the categories of the Scientific and Application tracks, to invite the authors of the selected contributions to submit an extended version to the open access journal Frontiers in Virtual Environments.
Last but not the least, based of the work of the same special committee, best awards will be decided for each contribution category within each track.