20th EuroXR International Conference
EuroXR 2023

Submission Guidelines for Scientific track
Submission procedure and website
Instructions for uploading the final camera-ready
1) Authors of the top papers will get an opportunity to submit an extended version to the journals Computers & Graphics or Frontiers in Virtual Reality
2) Springer (EquiOCS) website for the Scientific paper submissions is open: https://equinocs.springernature.com/service/EuroXR2023
Scientific papers must describe novel research results and will be published in a Springer LNCS volume (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).;
Authors can choose between three kinds of Scientific paper submissions:
- Full paper: 14-20 pages in the Springer format (about eight pages in traditional two-column format) with ~30 minutes presentation at the conference
- Medium paper: 8-12 pages in Springer’s format with ~20 minutes of presentation
- Short paper: 4-6 pages Springer format with ~10 minutes presentation. This type is meant for work-in-progress, position papers, and similar content.
All scientific submissions will have to follow the one column Springer format (see below, Paper Formatting section). Please note that indicated paper lengths do not include references.
The topics of interest of scientific contributions papers may be seen here.
All submissions will undergo a rigorous double blind peer reviewing process among the International Program Committee (IPC) Based on their reviews, the Scientific Program Chairs of EuroXR 2023 will select the best submissions to be presented at the conference. All papers accepted in the scientific track will be published in the scientific proceedings of EuroXR 2023, edited by Springer as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Indexing information of the LNCS series is available on this Springer webpage.
Submissions have to be uploaded to the management system of Springer (EquinOCS) here:. https://equinocs.springernature.com/service/EuroXR2023
Submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published. A manuscript is considered to have been previously published if it has appeared in a peer-reviewed journal, magazine, book or conference proceedings that is reliably and permanently available afterwards in print or electronic form to non-attendees, regardless of the language of that publication. A manuscript identical or substantially similar in content (in its entirety or in part) to one submitted to EuroXR 2023 should not be simultaneously under consideration for another conference or journal during any part of the review process, from the submission deadline until final notifications of decisions are emailed to the authors.
Submissions (including citations and optional videos) should not contain information that identifies the authors, their institutions, funding sources, or their places of work. Relevant previous work by the authors should be cited in the third person to preserve anonymity.
In case of acceptance, at least one author is expected to present the paper in person at the conference.
Paper Formatting
Authors should consult Springer’s Instructions for Authors of Proceedings and use either the LaTeX or the Word templates provided on the authors’ page for the preparation of their papers. For your convenience, Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf.
To allow for a double blind peer reviewing process, please make your submissions fully anonymous (no author names, nor affiliation, only anonymous self references). Papers which are not anonymous will be automatically desk-rejected.
Review process
The review process will be performed in two stages:
During the first stage, all submissions will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers, and notifications will be sent to the authors. Authors will then have an opportunity to clarify issues identified by the reviewers. In the second stage, the reviewers will make a final recommendation on the paper.
Notification categories
At the end of the reviewing procedure of the Scientific track, submitted contributions will have three possible status.
Some submissions will be accepted in their original category. Some others, originally submitted as scientific full papers, might get accepted only as scientific medium/short papers. Such contributions will be published in the LNCS Springer volume of the scientific proceedings of EuroXR 2023 too, but authors will have to re-size their paper.
The remaining submissions will not be accepted for the Scientific track of EuroXR 2023. However, some of them might get redirected to one of the other contribution categories of the conference, i.e, the Application track or the Posters & Demos track.
Camera Ready Instructions
Authors accepted contributions will have to prepare a camera-ready file set. This set is composed of:
- Camera-ready file (PDF),
- Full source files (i.e. Latex file(s) and all the image files, or the full Word file),
- Online signature of the Springer Consent-to-Publish form.
Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs with their names and affiliations. We also kindly ask all authors to adhere to Springer’s Code of Conduct (https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/book-authors-code-of-conduct)
The corresponding author of each paper must complete and sign a Springer Consent-to-Publish form, acting on behalf of all of the co-authors of the paper. The author signing this form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. After the camera-ready deadline, no changes to the papers can be made.
Thanks to the EquinOCS system, the authors of accepted papers can sign the Springer Consent-to-Publish form online. See detailed instructions here: https://support.springernature.com/en/support/solutions/articles/6000245512-conference-proceeding-authors#6.-Submit-the-Final-version—for-accepted-papers.
Important dates
- Dealine for all Scientific submissions (Long, Medium, Short):
April 24, 2023→ May 15, 2023 – 23:59:59 AoE - First notifications (rebuttal procedure):
June 12, 2023→ June 25, 2023 – 23:59:59 AoE - Rebuttal deadline: June
19, 2023→ July 3, 2023 – 23:59:59 AoE - Final notifications for all Scientific submissions:
July 3, 2023→ July 13, 2023 – 23:59:59 AoE - Camera ready for all accepted Scientific papers: September 18, 2023 – 23:59:59 AoE (no change)
For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the Scientific Program Chairs of EuroXR 2023