Meeting the network: LabLENI – Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Today the category “Meeting the network” brings us to Valencia, Spain, were in 1990, a small group of researchers and Ph.D. students created LabLENI.



LabLENI, guided by Professor Mariano Alcañiz, Institute Director and Founder, (among the 10 authors with the highest number of publications worldwide under the topic virtual reality) joined EuroVR Association in 2018 for enhance VR/AR activities around Europe.


The Laboratory of Immersive Neurotechnologies carries out research activities for a better understanding and enhancement of human cognition, combining insights and methods from computer science, psychology and neuroscience. They also develop solutions to support real-life studies and interventions, rather than for use in laboratory settings only.

In the early years, the laboratory was devoted almost exclusively to the development of systems for medical image processing and computer-assisted surgery. In that decade i3B began working in the emerging field of virtual therapy, i.e. the application of virtual reality techniques for the treatment of psychological disorders. This allowed LENI acquiring high technical expertise in virtual reality and human behavior tracking.

During its second decade, the institute considerably increased its activity in areas such as surgery, medical imaging treatment, mental health and education while new modes of human-machine interaction and tracking of human activity were studied.

In its third decade, LabLENI, besides maintaining its research in areas related to health and education, has integrated new research areas centered around neuroeconomics.



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  1. […] 15, 2021/in EuroXR News, News, Positions Offered /by EuroVR AdminThe LabLENI laboratory of the I3B of the UPV is looking to incorporate a programmer in the SWen development […]

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