New Project for LabLENI
LabLENI-Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is developing, together with Lopesan and The Wise Dreams, the first intelligent solution that generates a volume of data from the permanent evaluation of the tourists during their stay.
Guest Intelligence is the first intelligent solution that generates a volume of data from the permanent evaluation of the tourists during their stay, with the possibility of assessing their satisfaction in certain areas, with the registration of their emotions in key processes through emerging technologies such as voice analysis and gesture detection, with the average of their mobility in the hotel space, with its response in RRSS and with the analysis of its consumption and satisfaction in processes such as cross-selling.
The data obtained with Guest Intelligence will allow identifying possible dissatisfaction, optimize services and spaces, personalize services, qualify and prioritize customers. The generation of decision-making models based on cognitive agents that will be integrated will make use of processed big data to contextualize the needs of each customer and offer the best possible service, which is the great added value of this project.
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