EuroVR 2020 Conference: Application and Demo & Exhibition Tracks

EuroVR 2020 Next deadline: Application and Demo & Exhibition Tracks

Do not miss the next deadline for EuroVR 2020 Conference!

Application and Demo & Exhibition Tracks


These guidelines apply to the following contributions:

  • Application talk (2-4 pages abstract): best practices, practical use cases of VR or AV/AR/MR, project results of applications using such technologies in industry and other sectors, actual or potential transfers of academic results, and position papers.
  • Application poster (2-4 pages abstract): recently completed VR or AV/AR/MR applied work, application in progress, or unusual applications.
  • Demo & Exhibition track (2-4 pages abstract): live demonstrations of past and on-going projects. Technology developers and suppliers, exhibitors, digital artists, and members of the commercial VR or AV/AR/MR communities are all invited to exhibit and demonstrate the latest technologies and applications.

The topics of interest for these contributions may be seen here.

The Application Program Chairs and Demo & Exhibition Chairs, depending on the submission category, will manage acceptation of the contributions. All accepted abstracts in these tracks will be published in the Application, Demo and Exhibition proceedings of EuroVR 2020 as an ISBN-registered volume edited by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.

In submitting an abstract the author(s) agree that, upon acceptance, they will prepare the final version in time for inclusion in the USB keys and will present their contribution at the conference.


Abstract Formatting

The abstracts are to be submitted in the English language as a PDF file using the Microsoft Word template available here. The number of pages is indicative.


Abstract Submission

Only abstracts submitted before September 11, 2020 via our EasyChair portal will be considered for reviewing and publication in the conference USB keys.


Camera Ready Instructions

Authors whose abstract is accepted are required to upload the final version of their contribution on the EasyChair portal as source (Microsoft Word DOCX), before October 9, 2020.


Fast-Forward Slide Templates

For the fast-forward session slides, the authors are requested to use the following Microsoft PowerPoint template.


Important dates for the Application and Demo & Exhibition tracks

  • Abstract submissions: September 11, 2020
  • Notifications to the authors: October 2, 2020
  • Camera ready of accepted abstracts: October 9 2020

For further information, feel you free to contact the Application Program Chairs or Demo & Exhibition Chairs of EuroVR 2020, depending on the category of contribution.



EuroVR 2020 Conference: 3rd Call for Contributions